The holiest heart of instagram

The heart symbol definitely evokes pleasant feelings in people. This much used symbol, which can signify love, optimism, joy, loyalty, playfulness, health, truth, etc., is widely used in commerce and social media. Instagram users have become addicted to this symbol, and every time they open the app, they thrill to the barrage of hearts, or "likes," on their posts. Often, then, their love for themselves is in direct proportion to how many hearts they receive from their followers. With the piece "The Sacred Heart of Instagram" I wanted to point out this fact that nowadays people can base their self-love on how much attention society pays to us through hearts, and that in a way it overshadows the Christian symbol "The Sacred Heart of the Lord" which signifies God's love for us. As a believer, but a believer in my own way, I interpret this Christian symbol differently. It is a cliché, but we must find love within ourselves, in our hearts.


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